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Anything that won't sell, I don't want to invent. Its sale is proof of utility, and utility is success...Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931).
I am interested in projects that are cross-disciplinary between
Mathematics, Molecular Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering,
Computer Science and related fields. My research focuses on the areas where
these fields meet in an elegant way. I strongly believe in applications
and utility based research.
General Fields:
Information Processing in Molecular Biology and Chemistry
Computational Systems Biology
Computational Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Bio-molecular (DNA, Membrane, Cell) and Quantum computing, P system
Combinatorial Group Testing and its applications to biology
Multi-user coding and information theory
Coding theory and Cryptology
Combinatorial Designs and its applications to computer science
Number Theory, Algebra, Graph Theory and its applications
Cellular Automata and its applications
- Some Current Project (General) Directions
Information Processsing in molecular biology/ Molecular Self-Assembly
Quantum Computing/ Quantum Error-Correction/ Quantum Computer Algorithms
Biocomputation /DNA Computing / DNA Computer Algorithms / Theory of Formal Languages/ Applications of Engineering to Biology /Synthetic Biology/ Computational Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
Theoretical Computer Science/ Cellular Automata / Non-standard Computing Models/ Collision-Based Computing/ Brownian Computing/ Algorithmic Information Theory
Wireless Communications / MIMO Channels/ Adhoc Wireless Networks/ Wireless Sensor Networks/ Space-time Codes/ Multi-User Communications / Network Coding
Cryptology / Public Key and Private Key Cryptography/ Elliptic-Curve Cryptosystems/ NTRU / CTRU/ Network Security/ Wireless Security /Ciphers
Supply Chain Management/ E-commerce/ Semiconductor Manufacturing/ Modeling
Codes over finite rings and finite fields
Some Current Specific Problem Areas
- DNA self assembly, Protien and Peptide self assembly, RNA self assembly, PAH self assembly
- RNA and DNA Folding
- Molecular Docking
- Protein Folding
- Applications of Graph Theory, Computational Geometry and Algorithms to Proteins and Drug Design
- Gene Networks
- Quantum Error Correction
- Biological Coding and Information Theory
Note: This is just an overview. If you want to discuss more or need more specific details about any of my current and future research problems please write (email) to mankg @ computer . org (email prefer) or call me at 91-79-30510549. The updated list of publications etc is on my home page at