

An automation for making tiles and applying standard error correction techniques for DNA self-assembly

XTile produces input files for The Xgrow Simulator to simulate growth of DNA Tiles 



Use at your own risk. The software is provided as it is. No guarantee is taken for any errors or omissions.

Developers: Anshul Chaurasia, Sudhanshu Dwivedi and Prateek Jain


XTile 1.0 online applet page

[basic .tiles generator]

How it works page


XTile 1.1 applet download page

[basic .tiles generator with proofread and snake error correction schemes]


XTile 1.2 online applet for 2 way Compact error correction Scheme  

XTile 1.2 online applet for 3 way Compact error correction Scheme  

How it works page

[Compact error correction schemes application standalones]



Source codes page

About us


Contact us at xtile@guptalab.org

[ Below: XTile version 1.1 at work ]

Developed by: Anshul Chaurasia, Sudhanshu Dwivedi and Prateek Jain.

©2009 Self-Assembly Group, a part of Laboratory of Natural Information Processing

How to cite us. See below:

Anshul Chaurasia, Sudhanshu Dwivedi, Prateek Jain and Manish K. Gupta - "XTile: An Error Correction Package for DNA Self-Assembly" to appear in proceedings of 6th Annual Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO 09): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A., 20th-24th April 2009, 5 pages.