IT - 468 Resources
Please check this page quite frequently for updated resources.
Suggested Softwares
The Xgrow tile set simulator at
The Xtile software at
The ISU TAS software at
The CadNano software at
The Sarse software at
The Tiamat software at
The Strand Discplacement software of Microsoft Research at
The Genetic Engineering of Cells Simulator software at
The Seesaw Compiler at
The Chemical Compiler at
The Bio-DSP Compiler at
The Nanorex at
Suggested Books
There is no specific text book but the following books will be helpful. We will provide many additional material such as videos, handouts etc during the course.
- Cathy Lazere, Dennis Shasha, Natural Computing: DNA, Quantum Bits, and the Future of Smart Machines, W W Norton & Co Inc, 2010, ISBN 0393336832, 9780393336832
- Martyn Amos, Theoretical and Experimental DNA Computation, 2005, Springer,
ISBN 3-540-65773-8
- Gheorge Paun, Grzegorz Rozenberg and Arto Salomaa, DNA Computing-New
Computing Paradigms, 1998, Springer, ISBN 3-540-64196-3
- Sudheer Sahu and John H. Reif, DNA based self assembly and Nan robotics, 2008
- Cris Calude and Gheorghe Paun, Computing with Cells and Atoms: An
Introduction to Quantum, DNA and Membrane Computing, 2000, CRC
- Zoya Ignatova, Israel Martinez-Perez and Karl-Heinz Zimmermann, DNA
Computing Models, Springer, 2008
- Ehrenfeucht, T. Harju, I. Petre, D.M. Prescott and G. Rozenberg, Computing in
Living Cells: Gene Assembly in ciliates, 2004, Springer
- The Oxford handbook of membrane computing Paun G., Rozenberg G., Salomaa
A., Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY, 2010. 696 pp.
- Computing with cells: advances in membrane computing, Frisco P., Oxford
University Press, Inc., New York, NY, 2009. 336 pp.
- Biological Computation (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical & Computational
Biology) by Ehud Lamm and Ron Unger, 2011
- Jian-Qin Liu and Katsunori Shimohara, Biomolecular Computation for
Biotechnology, 2007, ISBN-10: 1-59693-014-4, Artech House
- Rozenberg, Grzegorz; BÃock, Thomas; Kok, Joost N. (Eds.), Handbook of
Natural Computation, Springer, 2010
- Christopher Dwyer and Alvin Lebeck, Introduction to DNA Self-Assembled
Computer Design, December 2007, Artech House Publishers
- John A. Pelesko, Self Assembly: The Science of Things That Put Themselves
Together, May 21, 2007, CRC Press.
- Natalio Krasnogor, Steve Gustafson, David A. Pelta and Jose L. Verdegay,
SYSTEMS SELF-ASSEMBLY, Hardbound, 304 pages, publication date: MAR-
2008 ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52865-0 ISBN-10: 0-444-52865-2, ELSEVIER
- Fundamentals of Natural Computing: Basic Concepts, Algorithms, and
Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer & Information Science
Series) [Hardcover] Leandro Nunes de Castro (Author)
- Artificial Immune Systems: A New Computational Intelligence
Approach [Paperback] Leandro Nunes de Castro (Author), Jonathan
Timmis (Author)
- Computation in Cells and Tissues: Perspectives and Tools of Thought
R. Paton (Editor), Hamid Bolouri (Editor), W. Michael L. Holcombe (Editor), J.
Howard Parish(Editor), Richard Tateson (Editor)
- Self-organizing Software: From Natural to Artificial Adaptation
Giovanna di Marzo Serugendo (Editor), Marie-Pierre Gleizes (Editor), Anthony
Karageorgos (Editor)
- Computability of the DNA and Cells: Splicing and Membrane
Computing [Hardcover] Andrei Paun (Author)
- Infochemistry: Information Processing at the Nanoscale, Konrad Szacilowski (Author), June 2012, Wiley.
- A New Kind of Science, Stephen Wolfram, 2002, Wolfram Press.
- A Computable Universe: Understanding and Exploring Nature as Computation, Hector Zenil (Author), May 2012, World Scientific.
- The Nature of Computation, Cristopher Moore (Author) and Stephan Mertens (Author), October 2011, Oxford.
- Natural Computing in Computational Finance, Brabazon, Anthony; O'Neill,
Michael; Maringer, Dietmar G. (Eds.) 1st Edition., 2010, 241
Labs/Groups doing work in this area
- The Circuits and Biology Lab at UMN
- Adleman Lab for Molecular Science at USC
- Winfree Lab: DNA and Natural Algorithms Group at Caltech
- Pierce Lab at Caltech
- Bruck Lab: Paradise at Caltech
- Goel Lab at Stanford
- Gupta Lab at DA-IICT
- Whitesides Lab at Harvard
- Kari Lab at UWO, Canada
- Reif Lab at Duke
- Rozenberg's Group
- Calude's Group at New Zealand
- Adamatzky's Group at UK
- Head's Group
- Jonoska's Group
- Seeman Lab
- Hendrik Dietz Lab
- Yamuna Krishnan Lab
- Kurt Gothelf Lab
- William Shih Lab
Companies doing work in this area
- Microsoft Research
- IBM Research
Specific Research Centers doing work in this area
- Leiden Center for Natural Computing
- Wyss Institute at Harvard for Biologically Inspired Engineering
- Center for Biological Circuit Design (CBCD) at Caltech
- J. Craig Venter Institute, USA
- International Center of Unconventional Computing
Conferences in this area
- International meeting on DNA computing and Molecular Programming
- Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices
- International Conference UNCONVENTIONAL COMPUTATION (UC)
Misc. Links
- The P System Page
- BIOMOD:International Biomolecular Design Competition
- International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition in synthetic biology
© 2010-2012 Manish K. Gupta